Correlation Between Summer Heat And Gastrointestinal Health
Summer Heat And Gastrointestinal Health: How To Stay Healthy This Season Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors, go on vacation, and spend time with friends and family. However, the summer heat can have a significant impact on our health, especially our gastrointestinal (GI) health. As the temperature rises, it is essential to take extra precautions to maintain good GI health. In this blog, we, at MH Surgery Clinic, will explore the correlation between summer heat and GI health and provide some tips to stay healthy this season. The Role Of Temperature In Gastrointestinal Health Our gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to changes in temperature, and extreme heat can cause significant damage to our digestive system. When our body is exposed to high temperatures, it responds by increasing blood flow to the skin to help us cool down. This shift in blood flow can cause a decrease in blood flow to the GI tract, leading to digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, and ...