The Connection Between Obesity And Gastrointestinal Disorders

If you’re one of those with an excessive amount of body fat (Adipose Tissue), then you stand the risk of increased health complications, and not to forget, the danger of contracting obesity as well as gastrointestinal disorders

The sooner you get in touch with the best Bangalore gastroenterology doctor at the best gastro hospital in Bangalore, M H Surgery, the better it will be for the goodness of your health.

Over the past few decades, obesity has emerged as among the most common health problems in not just the developed countries but also developing nations like India.

People with obesity stand the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and mortality, associated with a broad array of diseases including Gastrointestinal Diseases. Many medical studies have established connection between obesity and gastrointestinal diseases; and how excess adipose tissue in the setting of obesity plays a key role in promoting the gastro diseases via inflammatory mechanisms.

What Is The Connection of Gastrointestinal Disorders ?

Obesity has a close connection with gastroenterological diseases in many ways.

Here are some gastro diseases that tell you how obesity plays a key role.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Gastritis refers to the inflammation of the protective lining of the stomach. It occurs due to excessive secretion of acid within the stomach.

Those who are obese and overweight stand at a higher risk of contracting gastritis as well as gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Medical studies on obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery confirmed that obesity is connected with an increased prevalence of endoscopic and histologic gastritis as well as gastric ulcers. During the study process, it was found out that histologically identified gastritis could indicate the presence of definite inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Further, it was also found that Adiponectin, a bioactive molecule released from visceral fat can turn out to be a protective factor of endoscopic gastritis.

Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (Gerd)

GERD indicates increased weight of the body, especially increased belly fat which leads to heartburn and regurgitation.

To find out the patho-physiology behind this, some medical experts conducted studies. The studies involved the use of manometry and 24-hour pH studies in obese patients with GERD. It was found out that these patients tend to develop reduced lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure; higher incidence of transient LES relaxation; increased esophageal acid exposure; and higher intra-gastric pressure. Also, the obese patients stand to contract greater chances of acquiring GERD complications. Like Gastro-esophageal Adenocarcinoma and Barrett’s Esophagus, compared to other patients.

Another factor that contributes to GERD in obese patients is the higher incidence of Hiatal Hernia. As a result, patients with reflux who are obese have greater chances of contracting Erosive Esophagitis.

It is a serious disease that requires immediate diagnosis and treatment by a specialist Bangalore based gastroenterology doctor.

If not diagnosed and treated on time, it can lead to a chronic disorder called GERD. That develops when the gastric acid or bile reflux from the stomach to the esophagus.

Gastric Emptying

The rate of gastric emptying has an influence in the feeling of fullness and satiety in humans. As such, it has been linked with obesity.

Many medical studies on gastric emptying in obesity found. That it is more in obese patients, increasing mostly between the ages of 33 to 35 years. Further, the studies estimate a link between faster gastric emptying. With lower postprandial volume in obese patients. And likewise, other studies that compared the rate of gastric emptying in obese and lean people with the assistance of a breath test. Found that solid gastric emptying tended to be faster in obese and overweight patients.

The studies also found out how gastric emptying gets delayed in certain situations in overweight patients. Tests done on three age groups of normal and obese individuals by ultrasonography allied with liquid test meals. Determined that obese patients who experience delayed gastric emptying. Tend to develop age-related decline in gastric mobility secondary to insulin resistance.

It is also important to highlight a major revelation brought to light by the studies. That is, the difference between gastric emptying of liquid and solid foods. Gastric emptying in the case of liquid meals occurs in an exponential fashion. While in the case of solid meals. It is characterized by a lag phase for a period that lasts for about 30 minutes followed by a linear emptying phase.

Overall, more studies needs to be conducted to assess the effect of gastric emptying in obesity. Until then, it can be taken as obesity is associated with acceleration of gastric emptying.

Gastric Motility

Several hormones mediate the response of the body to fat in the diet. Like CCK, Peptide YY (PYY), Leptin, etc, all inhibit appetite and induce delay in the gastric emptying process. Similarly, there is Ghrelin, an appetite stimulator that causes faster gastric emptying.

Fat in the diet stimulates the production of hormones like CCK, PYY, and more. While infusion of fatty acids increases basal pyloric pressures. And the levels of CCK and PYY in the blood-steam. Likewise, free fatty acids are more potent than triglycerides when it comes to inducing appetite inhibition. And hormonal release from the gastrointestinal tract.

To better understand the effect of fat on gastric motility and the varied mechanisms involved therein. Medical researchers made patients to take a high fat diet for a short period of time. After the period was over, gastric emptying and the related hormone. (included hormones like CCK, PYY, Ghrelin, and Leptin) levels were measured. While one study revealed changes in both secretion and sensitivity to CCK. Other studies revealed alteration in postprandial levels of PYY and Ghrelin levels.

Later the same set of researchers conducted a study on ten healthy but obese males. They found that after twenty-one days on a high fat diet, the obese patients showed. Increased enhanced fasting CCK levels and similar upper gut motility.

Based on the evidence of the various studies. Medical experts suggest that high fat diet tends to induce changes in the sensitivity to the hormones. Rather than any kind of changes in their secretion rates.

Relationship In Younger People

Recent medical studies have found out there exists a connection between obesity and gastrointestinal disease in young people. It was found that indigestion and upset stomach were more prevalent in obese children. Than in children with a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index).

Similarly, the same studies found a connection between obesity and irritable bowel syndrome as well as functional constipation. Young people who are obese stand a greater chance of contracting gastrointestinal disease as much as obese adults do.

To stay on the safe side, it’s advisable that they contact the best gastro hospital in Bangalore. And get in touch with the best Bangalore gastroenterology doctor. This will help to properly diagnose and later treat, if possible, gastrointestinal disease successfully. Else, it will become too late for effective treatment.


Obesity is a problematic disease. It has a negative effect on several other underlying diseases. One such is Gastrointestinal Disease in both adults and children. They both stand increased chances of developing the disease as well as other more severe symptoms. Finally, they will have less chances of responding to any kind of treatment.

Even though, gastrointestinal disease is difficult to cure. It stands a better chance of being treated with success if it is diagnosed on time. Additionally, obesity can also be treated or prevented from snowballing into a danger or from occurring at all.

To stay safe, the only solution is regular exercise, healthy diet, and monitoring of weight frequently. Additionally, it is also important to diagnose its signs and symptoms early on to stand any chance of successful treatment. By the best Bangalore gastroenterology doctor at the best Bangalore gastro hospital, MH Surgery.

Stay safe by scheduling an appointment with the best Bangalore gastroenterology doctor at the best gastro hospital in Bangalore, MH Surgery. This will help you to discuss your BMI and weight loss needs. And also help to diagnose probable gastrointestinal disease and obesity lurking in your body.


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